Categoria: Sample Data

detox First and foremost, if you're not consuming enough water, you're increasing the strain on your body and accelerating the aging process. Our bodies use water to remove toxins and other waste. You can even do better than just water:
Cranberry Lemonade Recipe

Glass gallon jar
Safe, clean, spring water or distilled water
1 cup of organic cranberry juice, not from concentrate
3 organic fresh lemons
A citrus juicer
Liquid stevia
Liquid cayenne
Fill the jar to about 85% capacity with spring water (or distilled water). Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into the water. Add cranberry juice. Add stevia to taste and then add cayenne to taste. The amount of cayenne used is up to you, but the more the better. This cranberry lemonade recipe can aid a detox by helping to flush toxins out of the kidneys and the liver, as well as the entire body, all while helping to balance the pH.
Juice Tonics

Sweet juices including most fruits, carrots, and beets may not be ideal when Candida or another fungus is an issue. On the other hand, herbs like turmeric and ginger can be juiced for amazing benefits.
Enhanced Golden Milk Tea Recipe

This is a new twist on an ancient way of experiencing the benefits of turmeric. Ideally, use all fresh, unadulterated herbs whenever available.
1 cup of warm coconut milk
1 tablespoon of freshly grated turmeric with skin
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger with skin
1 pinch of black pepper
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Mix it all up and drink. For the drink to be warm, warm only the coconut milk, and be careful not to cook the other ingredients. Add them in when the coconut milk is not too hot to drink so as to preserve the enzymes and other fragile micronutrients.
Simmer in the Sauna

Our skin is our body's largest detoxification organ. When most people think about detoxing they tend to focus on the liver and kidneys. But this is far from a complete protocol; there is a lot more we can do. We live in air-conditioned homes and drive air-conditioned cars. Although this is more comfortable than constant exposure to high temperatures, living like this robs us of opportunities to sweat out toxins as we normally have for millennia. When thinking about what is best for our health, air-conditioning may in fact be overrated. What's even better than AC is getting a good blast of heat from time to time.

It's better not to be in a sauna alone, especially if you aren't used to them. It's possible to pass out from the heat. If this happens when you're alone, it could prove fatal if you aren't discovered quickly enough.

Exercise that's not too intense, depending on the detoxification protocol, can help flush the body by getting the blood pumping and the lymph moving. Lungs expel toxins as well.
Breathe Heavily and Properly


Cacao Nibs ( 728 x90)

Most of us are rapid, shallow breathers. We raise our shoulders, pull in our diaphragm, and take a breath that fills only the top portion of our lungs.

When you breathe properly, your diaphragm, your stomach, and your ribcage expand, not the pectoral area. Fully exhaling is important, too. Remember, you are breathing in oxygen rich air and releasing carbon dioxide and toxins.

When you expand your ribcage and breathe deeply, you increase the body's natural detoxification through the lungs. This is not insignificant; 80% of our toxins are eliminated through our breath.

Another 20% of our toxins are released through the skin. If you are working out hard enough to break a sweat, you're also helping to drain the lymphatic system. This system detoxifies under a bouncing or up and down jarring of the body, like running, martial arts, rebounding, dancing, and...

In addition to helping clear the lymphatic system (especially when done quickly, or with jumping variations), squats add and release pressure onto the elimination organs such as the liver, kidneys, and the intestinal tract. Don't underestimate the power of squats. We used to squat all the time in nature. In fact, once you couldn't squat back in the paleo days you didn't have long to live. We squatted while we were outside tending to the garden, while we were hunting and tracking, while we were just relaxing but trying to stay out of sight from other predators, and every time we defecated.
Get Enough Quality Sleep

Most adults in our modern society do not get enough quality sleep, even if they do sleep a full eight hours. If you find yourself waking up regularly, having trouble getting to sleep, or just feeling tired and drained in the morning, it could be caused by a lack of deep, restorative REM sleep